Friday, February 23, 2007

G-Team Update - Winding Up in Santa Lucia

Hi Everyone - Thank you so much for your prayers! The Lord has really blessed our time in Santa Lucia so far. We have finished laying block for one third floor classroom at the school and have made good progress on the second. The Bible classes have gone very well, and the kids continue to be very responsive. Today we are teaching about Pentecost and the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Please pray for these students, that they will take these lessons to heart. We have also worked hard at the house, cleaning, doing dishes, and generally learning to get along with a lot of people in close quarters. The Lord has blessed us in this as well, and we have pulled together well as a team. This afternoon we will finish up our construction work and teach the last few classes, and then start packing to go to Antigua tomorrow. There will be a farewell service this evening and we will leave after breakfast on Saturday. Please pray for safe travel and a relaxing time in Antigua after our hard work here.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

G-Team Update - Alive and Well!

Greetings from sunny Guatemala! We are all setled into Santa Lucia and our work is going well. For construction, we are just beginning to put up walls for a classroom on the third floor of the school building. We have moved lots of sand, stone, water, and other materials from the street to the roof, we have sifted sand and tied lots of rebar. This afternoon (Wednesday) we started laying block - now it is really starting to look like something! The Bible classes have gone incredibly well. Our translator is a very gifted teacher and evangelist and has really enhanced our teaching. The kids have been really engaged in the lessons and very receptive to the gospel message. Quite a few have prayed to receive Christ. We have also gone on some home visits. This afternoon we are playing basketball and soccer with students and teachers from the school, and we will have a short public meeting afterwards with music and testimonies. We have tried to upload pictures and the connection here is too slow, so you'll have to wait till we get home to see the pictures, sorry! God bless you all.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

So this is my first time on a missions team and I'm really nervous! Packing is real tough because I'm not quite positive on what to bring, (or if I've forgot something really important) although we are given a list of stuff to bring. It's the small stuff and clothing. Here in New England you can never predict what the weather is going to be, (especially the weather man. No offense) and since I've lived in the same place all my life it is going to be weird going some where were the weather is some what the same. So I'm like 'What should I bring? Is it going to be cold, warm, semi warm?..' and once again the small things "Do I need this..." " can't forget that.." So now that every thing is packed away, later I'll find that I really did forget something.
The sad thing is, I've never been on an airplane before, so I'm praying that I won't be scared to death with this big experience. I just found out that they have little malls in these airport places, and I find that really fascinating. I thought that you carry your luggage in, hand the teller your passport, tell them where you're going, and that you can't wait to get to wherever your going, then wait for your plane. Oh and in between that you have to go through one of those metal detectors. And on the plane you get free peanuts. But I guess there's more hustle and bustle during all the passport stuff.
I can't wait to see all the children and families down there that the previous g-team members have talked about. They've said that the children are a joy to be around and that when its time to leave, its really hard to say good-bye! Some have seemed to say that once your there your surrounded with love. I'm praying that God will use me to do his work (although I have no clue as to what it'll be.) But I'm also praying that some people that we meet down in Guatemala will come to know God. Please be praying for us all that we'll have a good time and that we'll get there and back safely.


Saturday, February 10, 2007

Pray for us as we prepare to go!

Mid Vermont Christian School
Guatemala Missions Trip
February 16-26, 2007

Serving at Colegio El Mesias, a Christian school
in Santa Lucia Utatlan
Sharing Christ's love through teaching, construction,
and personal evangelism

Please pray:
• for our health and safety
• for strong relationships within the team
• that our work will be a blessing to the school
• that the children will have open hearts
as we teach from God's Word
• that we will encourage our Guatemalan
brothers and sisters in Christ
• that hearts will be receptive as the Gospel is presented
• that we will show Christ's love to all we meet
• that God will change us through this experience

Team members:
Bob Bracy • Jordan Bracy • Andy Davis • MaryAnn Davis
Lora Goss • Rowen Goss • Stephanie Johnston • Sarah King
AnnaAlisia Ledoux • Amber Patch • Sheila Patch
Tim Patch • Taylor Scully • Abbie Seale • Katey Walker
Linnet Walker • Kyrik Weidman • Lucas Wemple